First Source 
Medical Resources

The entire claims process needs to be managed and measured by dedicated experienced, professional revenue managers. We manage every claim, line by line, prior to submitting, review all payments received for accuracy, and appeal improperly denied services. Getting you paid in a timely manner, for the services you provided is our job and we are very good at it.

We provide eligibility verification, billing, coding, denial management, patient invoicing, collections, credentialing, management services, electronic medical records software (EMR), billing software, consulting services and more.

We measure key performance indicators of your business, Days in A/R, percentage of A/R over 120 Days and net collection rate. Managing these KPI’s assures us your business’s bottom line is strong and cash flow is maximized.

Managing Pieces of the Puzzle

Our Company is Here for You:

First Source Medical Resources was started in 2006 and has gained the reputation as a trusted healthcare revenue management company. At First Source, all of our clients benefit not only from what we do but from what we believe and from how we conduct our business. Our company culture promotes daily values and cultivates success.

That’s why our leadership and employees follow a set of core values. These core values define how we conduct ourselves and interact with our colleagues and clients. They guide us and they help us maintain a high degree of professionalism within our industry.

Our Values

Trust - Most Important

“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth” 

--Santosh Kalwar

Passion - Loving What You do

“There is only one way to succeed in everything and that is to give everything”

--Vince Lombardi

Integrity - Doing the Right Thing

“There is no such thing as a minor lapse of Integrity”

--Tom Peters

Excellence - Giving Your Best

“Being so good you can’t be ignored”

--Steve Martin

Managing Eligibility Verification

Verifying insurance eligibility is the first, and one of the most important, steps in the medical billing process. It is vital to verify not only eligible insurance for the date of service, but also PCP information for HMO plans and any other pertinent information, prior to the patient office visit. This often overlooked process can greatly reduce claim denials. We are experienced in verifying coverage for all major and minor medical insurance plans in the country including Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Medicaid plans.

Insurance Details We Verify Include
•    Patient policy status
•    Type of plan and coverage details
•    Deductibles
•    Co-pays and co-insurances
•    Effective date
•    Payable benefits
•    Plan exclusions
•    Referrals and pre-authorizations
•    Accuracy of vital information such as date of birth and policy numbers
•    Out-of-network benefits
•    Health insurance caps

Stay 3-5 days ahead of your patient visits! Hire First Source! Save time and money! Call us to learn more about health insurance verification.

Managing Billing
& Coding

Revenue cycle management for medical practices has become more complicated than ever. With evolving insurance, company and government policies, as well as compliance regulations and healthcare reforms, it has become increasingly difficult, confusing and frustrating for physicians and their staff to keep pace. This results in incorrect or delayed filing of claims and poor reimbursements. We employ certified medical billing and coding experts who focus only on billing and coding, unlike your front office staff, who take care of other things going on in your practice. Our experienced medical billing staff reviews each claim entered in the billing software and submit all claims to payers daily. Our professional & certified coders ensure claims are properly coded to the highest level. our denial management and appeals team correct any denied/rejected claims and submits an appeal for payment.
  • Charge entry / claim line audit
  • Upload Claim
  • Clearinghouse rejections corrected and resubmitted
  • Payer rejections corrected and resubmitted
  • EOB ERA review
  • Denial correction / Appeals resubmitted
  • Patient statements mailed
  • Post payments
Your patient visit is not complete until you GET PAID! Hire First Source! Save time and money! Call us to learn more about billing and coding process.

Credentialing &

Efficient Credentialing for your practice is now more important than ever.  As healthcare evolves, patients are more likely to avoid out-of-network providers and this means that it is important for Providers to be active with as many payers as possible.  This is a tedious process and requires experience, attention to detail and seamless communications to ensure you are maximizing all practice growing opportunities.

With our help, your practice will be poised to maintain and grow with minimal hiccups due to outdated or incorrect information.

Our services include:

  • Completion of applications, submissions and tracking throughout the process
  • Maintenance of all documentation required to stay current including Board Certificates, Licenses, CME’s, etc.
  • Liaison for all matters relating to the process.
  • CAQH Profiles monitoring.

Next step from Credentialling is the Enrollment process.  Staying in front of Provider Enrollment is critical to ensure that payers have the information that they need to process claims for services you provide.    Inevitably, issues crop up.  We are there to identify and provide favorable resolution to potential issues giving you a seamless flow of reimbursements. 

Our Clients

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